Behind the Scenes
SD&FZ Mural Explosion
First things first: check if you’ve got a stable ladder. Yes? Good. Now it’s time for markers, paint, meters of precisely applied tape, and a lot of patience and time. The object? Make sure everyone sees, and remembers, the writing on the wall. Back to project.
Stretching is a part of making murals.
LOA is an award-winning branding and design agency with offices in Salzburg and Vienna, Austria. They help brands to succeed in the digital age, by giving them a unique place in the market. Their head office was often referred to as “Fight Club”, thanks to its home in an old industrial building with high ceilings and big walls.
These walls were not meant to be left empty. Lucas and Mathias wanted to make it come alive with a party feeling — so that the office would be a place where clients could be entertained as well as educated.
Over the years, “Sex, Drugs and Fireworks” became the agency’s unofficial motto. We knew the wording, we just needed to visualize those words. Having sketched some ideas, the final dynamic wordplay was applied on the main wall with added explosion lines to embrace the words and apply some visual engagement.
We wanted something a little daring as well as flirty to entice both friends and clients coming back for more — reliable background to make any product pop with attitude.
Adding explosion to the final type work.
Discipline: Environmental Graphics
Additional Credits: Mathias Lixl, Lucas Triebl